This blog post is mostly for those people that are already low carb or keto and would like to know like what a sample three days is like. This is how I stay in ketosis.
I don’t always stay in ketosis. I like to cycle in and out of ketosis.This gives my glycogen stores a chance to replenish. Since I’ve been in ketosis for so long I can actually eat quite a bit of carbs and jump right back into ketosis, usually within 24 hours. You will be able to do this also once you have been in ketosis for over six months.
Night before keto start
This article is about a typical Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I’ll start with Sunday night just give you an idea that I am not always strict on my diet. At four o’clock I had a very large salad and a Cosmo(vodka, lemon, and triple sec). About an hour and a half later I had some brats with sauteed vegetables on it wrapped in lettuce with, believe it or not, ketchup. I always make sure my ketchup has no high fructose corn syrup in it. About an hour and a half after that I had a chocolate brownie. The brownie was made with coconut and almond flour. On top of that I had a large scoop of coconut ice cream. I did have a couple glasses of wine of red wine as well. That’s what a Sunday night looks like for me.
Monday low carbohydrate and keto
On Monday morning I usually get up around five o’clock. I do a quick stretching routine followed by a session of Wim Hof breathing(see video below). Then I make myself a bullit coffee. My bullit coffee is quick and simple to make. I use a Conterra jug to put all the ingredients in and shake it . The ingredients are a cup of coffee, tablespoon of MCT oil, tablespoon of ghee, stevia, and a tablespoon of cacao powder. The reason I like to use ghee is because it’s basically short chain fatty-acids and your body breaks those down and utilizes them very fast as fuel. The same applies to MCT oil. I use a variation of MCT oil that only has C8 and C10 in it. The MCT oil goes straight to the liver and the liver makes it into ketones. Your body utilizes the ketones immediately as energy does not store any of it. The other thing I put in my coffee is a tablespoon of cacao powder. I like the cacao powder because it only has two grams of carbohydrates but a hundred milligrams potassium. That’s one way I get my potassium and plus it adds some flavor. For a sweetener I use a couple drops of stevia. Stevia is the only sweetener that I recommend to my clients.
After my coffee I’ll start my work day. I sip on some mag water while working. The video below shows how to make mag water. After that I sip on a water bottle that has vitamin C in it.
Vitamin C is the best antioxidant and it is water soluble. You can’t really get enough vitamin C. I use about 1400 mg in a single water bottle. After that a cup of tea. I switch out my teas a lot. I like green tea and I also like my Rishi tea which is really good. Rishi is a brand and they have a lot of varieties. I like the turmeric mango and I also like the dandelion tea. I try to get in a cup of bone broth with a half a teaspoon of salt in it sometime in the morning. That’s one way I can get my daily sodium in.
bone broth and salt
Keto and low sodium
When you’re on a ketogenic or a really low carb diet your insulin levels are really low. Insulin is what helps your body retain sodium. It’s a good idea to replenish sodium. When you first are switching from a high carb diet to a low carb diet you are urinating out tons of salt. You definitely want to get some extra salt in your diet if you want to avoid the keto the keto flu.
At lunch time I’ll do another bullet coffee just like I described earlier. I will also do another magnesium water, another vitamin C water, and some teas.
First low carb keto meal
Four o’clock is when I actually eat something. I make a very large salad. I start with a couple handfuls of dark salad greens. On top of that I’ll put a layer of broccoli sprouts. Broccoli sprouts have a large quantity of sulforaphane.Sulforaphane is known to have amazing antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, neuroprotective, and anti-diabetic properties. Then I add couple forks of fermented beets and about six or seven olives. I really make an effort with natural probiotics so I add a couple tablespoons of sauerkraut and a couple forks worth of kimchi. I make my dressing with two table spoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Crunch up some walnuts and sprinkle them on top and add half an avocado. Sometimes I will use Wholly Guacamole instead of the avocado. The reason I like wholly guacamole is that you can get these at Costco, they’re organic, and there’s no tomatoes in them. Some people have a problem with tomatoes, but I just try to limit them Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family and they give some people some GI and immune problems.
That’s my entire day . Everything I ate or drank for the entire day. Before I go to bed I might drink another tea, but it’s definitely going to be tea that doesn’t have any caffeine in it. My last caffeine folks is done at no later than one or two pm. When I get home I usually try to be in bed by about nine o’clock.
When you’re eating like this the total calories for that day is about 900. That’s really low calorie, but I never get hungry. One of the reasons for that is because fat is very satiating. Going to bed early gets your mind off eating as well. Everything’s better with eight hours of sleep in.
If you diabetic or overweight doing a protocol like this will get you better fast. If you are on meds you will want to have medical supervision before tackling this. The Loveland Medical Clinic runs a weight loss program that can provide help to make you successful. My next post will continue with Day 2.
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