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$35 School Sports Physical Exams
Siegfried Emme, FNP
Loveland Medical Clinic
Appointments available today
Do you really want to wait in line ? Give us a call . (970) 541-0903
No wait because appointment only.
If you have more than 4 people to get done we can come to you. We are mobile.
Loveland Medical Clinic Loveland Colorado
We provide sports physicals and urgent care at our Loveland Medical Clinic in Loveland. We serve Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, and the surrounding areas.
We offer youth sports physicals, as well as perform Urgent Care services at our Loveland Medical Center in Loveland and serve the communities of greater northern Colorado.
We also a certified DOT examiner. Those exams are 99$.
Sports Physical Forms
We do carry generic sports physical forms, but the school really wants you to use their forms.
Acceptable Forms of Payment
Payment to be made at time of service. Cash and credit card are accepted for your convenience.
School exams are done for the safety of your child. All body systems are usually checked and this is a good time to make sure your immunizations are up to date. If we find something that needs further exam we can provide this at our clinic. We will review at this time concussion symptoms and how you return to play as there as been a lot of concern about this lately.
$35 School Sports Physical Exams
(970) 541-0903
Siegfried Emme , FNP
Loveland Medical Clinic
(970) 541-0903
The Loveland Medical clinic is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives. We have three main areas of focus : Urgent Care, Weight Loss, and Vitamin infusions. We have a very limited number of Concierge primary care patients.
The Loveland Medical Clinic runs the 22 Day Weight Loss Program that emphasizes the ketogenic diet. We have come to the conclusion that this is the most successful model that works for just about everyone. Once people have gone through our program they are able to manage their weight on there own. If you are interested in losing weight go to the 22 Day Weight Loss Program.
#22dayweightlossprogram #losebellyfat #LovelandWeightloss #Fortcollinsweightloss #Greeleyweightloss #LovelandMedicalClinic