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Vendor: | Loveland Medical Clinic | |
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PRO: | You can buy everything online and its cheap |
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CON: | You have to be able to fast |
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My second night of sleep during the protocol was better. Even though I still went to bed at 8 pm and tossed around for a bit Here are the details for my day 3 for you. Today we will talk a little bit about detox pathways as well.
Body Detoxification Routine Day 3
I got up at 4 am. Mixed 2 teaspoons of activated charcoal in a tall glass of water and started drinking it. I use Four Sigmatic because it tastes OK. Started my coffee enema prep. During the prep, I did my stretching routine and got in a Wim Hof breathing session. Knocked out the enema. Once again went for a 5-kilometer run/walk at a fat-burning heartrate. Drank my coffee and was at the sauna by 8 am.
Came back and went to work. Let me tell you it is amazing how productive you can be when you are not eating or concerned about your next meal. Plus being in ketosis gives you an extra mental edge. Sipped on bone broth and tea throughout the day. I had another coffee at 3 pm cause I was feeling a little tired. Drank my probiotic at 4 pm. Checked my numbers and my ketones went up to 2.7, but my glucose also raised to 5.6. My GKI actually raised 0.04. I have no idea why. Possibly it could be because I am doing a fasting-mimicking diet and not water fasting. That is just one guess. I am still pretty happy with my numbers.
Did one more bone broth with salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and a pinch of allspice. Really good. Skipped the avocado tonight because I just was not hungry. Did one last cup of Yogi Bedtime tea and hit the sack again at 8 pm.
Body Pathways for Detox
There are basically 5 pathways for your body to get rid of toxins. You will notice in the picture above the wellness cocoon.
Sweating for toxin removal
Sweating is one method of ridding your body of toxins. The wellness cocoon provides near, medium, and far-infrared which causes you to sweat. I try to do this 3-4 times per week all year round. Exercise also causes you to sweat. Notice how I was doing both these things daily during the detox.
Lymph system for detoxification
The lymph system is extremely important for detoxification. If this system is backed you will fail in detox. I like to use a rebounder in the morning to get this system going. The wellness cocoon bed vibrates while you get the sauna treatment. This also activates your lymph system. The jogging I have done on a daily basis works on the lymph as well. I also own a vibration plate which I use when I remember. Notice how I have incorporated lymph drainage into my daily life. If you have never tried dry brushing that is also great for your lymph.
Liver Detox
I won’t go into detail on this because the coffee enema plays a big part in this. The 5 drops of tangerine essential oil I add to the enema boost bile drainage and the coffee enema itself boosts glutathione production 600%. The liver these days is overwhelmed by the environment toxins and any help you can give it will improve your health.
How does the kidney help with detox
The kidneys remove wastes and extra water from the blood to form urine. When you have kidney failure you have to go on dialysis which is basically a machine which will filter out the toxins that the kidneys were formerly doing. Fasting is great for the kidneys because it gives them a break. Your blood sugar lowers and the kidneys can get a rest. The other thing that is good for the kidneys is staying hydrated. You will notice that while I basically ate nothing, I did drink a lot during this period.
Possibly the most important detox pathway– the intestines
When I talk to clients I always ask them how many times a day do they poop. If you eat three times a day you should poop three times a day. If you are constipated all the toxins that you were supposed to excrete stay in the colon and get reabsorbed. One reason I take the charcoal one hour prior to the enema is that it will bind with the bile which has combined with toxins. Making bile is a lot of work for the body so it wants to reabsorb as much as possible. If you are backed up then the body has more time to reabsorb the bile that is bound up with the toxins. When you do the coffee enema it all comes out and you maximize toxin removal. This is probably the farthest downstream of detox you can get so it is so important that you have regular, daily, bowel movements.
Here is a link to Day 2 of the detox protocol in case you missed it.
Here is an interesting factoid for you. Longest fast on record was a Scottish man who went 382 days on a medically supervised fast. He went from 450 pounds down to 190 pounds and never regained the weight. There is a lot of magic in fasting.
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