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HIIT(high intensity interval training) exercise in a weight loss program is about maximizing limited exercise time. I exercise (workout) twice a week for 30 minutes and it works. I also have a lot of NEAT(non exercise activity thermogenesis) and can burn anywhere from 200 to 2000 calories a day with that. Everyone varies on how much NEAT they produce. If you work in a job where you are walking all day you will burn more NEAT than someone who works at a desk.
Don’t Have Time to Exercise? Do This
The video explains my program. I warm up for 5 minutes and then go 110% for 30 seconds. I give myself 90 seconds rest and then go again for 30 seconds at 110%. I repeat this up to 8 times. At the end I warm down for 5 minutes. Then I do some push-ups, pull-ups, plank, or body weight exercises till my 30 minutes is up. Everyone has 30 minutes twice a week they can give themselves to be healthy.
Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training
High intensity exercise is the key to a sustainable weight loss program. Diet and exert: the best combo. Long cardio bouts will not help you lose weight. We don’t want to use the words diet and exercise anymore. What we want to talk about is nutrition and training.
This is about the mindset that goes into using these messages. Can I follow a nutrition plan? Sure I can follow a nutrition plan. But if I start talking about going on a diet it carries another connotation. Most of the people that are reading here and planning to start a diet January 1st are going to be off the diet by the 21 st of January.
Statistics show that 95 % of people quit their diet. You are on a diet for the short term so that you can see some short term success, but guess what? You can’t do that for a lifetime. Nutrition is something different. Nutrition is how you fuel your human body. Add a little training to that and your health will skyrocket.
The nice thing about HIIT is that it does not take over your life. Everyone can fit it into their routine. The other half of the equation here is exercise and it has to be hard. If you are doing my HIIT routine and you are not sweating by the second repetition you are not going hard enough. I walk every morning, but that’s not exercise. That is NEAT.
Just because you can walk into a gym doesn’t mean you need to. I have not belonged to a gym in over a decade and I do not believe I am missing anything I am in better shape now that I do not go to a gym and I work out less than I did before.
Good nutrition and workouts are the key to health. Neither is that difficult to do. That is why the Loveland Medical Clinic created the 22 Day Weight Loss Program. I applied all my hard work and knowledge into it, and it’s there and ready for you and this is the opportunity. Now is the best time for you to take control of your health and just do it.
Siegfried Emme , FNP
Loveland Medical Clinic
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I believe everyone has the right to a healthy life. The Loveland Medical Clinic exists to make that belief a reality. We do this by challenging the current healthcare system status quo and using the best science available. By changing our clients diet we cause them to lose weight and get off their medications. I do not believe in making pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and hospitals richer. Our current diabetes and obesity epidemic is a man made problem. We can fix it ! If you believe like we do that you have the right to be healthy we would love to help you in that journey.
#22dayweightlossprogram #losebellyfat #LovelandWeightloss #Fortcollinsweightloss #Greeleyweightloss #LovelandMedicalClinic #SiegfriedEmmeFNP