Vendor: | Kip Andersen | |
PRO: | Great showing on how corporate America is influencing our diet | |
CON: | crap science and totally one sided |
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Kip Anderson created a new documentary called “What The Health” which discusses why the current medical model in his opinion is not curing our chronic diseases. I can sum up my review of this movie for you in one sentence. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME ! The one thing he does do well is showing how corporate America is influencing major organizations like the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Susan G Komen and American Medical Association.
American Diabetes Association and diet
Since the Loveland Medical Clinic runs a nutritional program I make it my business to watch any new movies that come out on health that might help my patients. Unfortunately, this movie is basically just vegan propaganda and lacks useful information. What I found most entertaining was when he put the director of the American Diabetes Association on the spot about diets for reversing diabetes. You can reverse diabetes or control it with diet and the director of the diabetes American Diabetes Association would not commit to admitting this. Why would he when the ADA is sponsored by big pharma and corporate agriculture and food companies.
Vegan Propaganda film
I don’t believe there is one diet for everyone. Some people will do well on a vegan diet. Others like myself have done well on a ketogenic diet. Plenty of people have done well on a Paleo Diet. This movie basically did not show any other diets or any other doctors that are familiar with the other diets. Doctors Micheal Greger, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Neal Bernard are all well-known fanatical vegan doctors. How about some opinions from someone like Doctors Joseph Mercola, Mark Hyman, or Jason Fung. Such a one-sided opinionated movie certainly does not merit wasting 90 minutes of your time.
Price of What the Health
I have Netflix so it was free. This is not worth a penny so I would not see this if you have to pay to download it. You can buy the DVD on Amazon for $49 which is laughable.
Concept of What the Health is about
Interesting start when it was about the investigative work of Kip chasing the money in the non-profit health foundation industry(AHA, ADA, Cancer Foundation). Shortly after I was disappointed when it turned into a vegan propaganda film. Basically Kip is trying to convince us that veganism is going to fix everything based on the opinions of several biased doctors and cherry picked scientific references. Examples of some bad info in the are that sugar isn’t bad for you and it has no effect on diabetes. Even makes the claim that sugar and carbohydrates don’t get converted to fat. Kip should have had an editor that understood basic biochemistry. Hello, the liver and lipogenesis— every hear of it ?
Execution of What the Health
As a vegan propaganda movie they did their job. You should market it that way so the rest of us who are actually looking for accurate scientific information do not waste our time. The confined animal farming operations were disturbing and I have no doubt that the information on that was real. I certainly do not buy from them anymore, but that was before I saw this movie anyways.
Value of What the Health
I find this valuable in that it reminds me people need to listen to both sides of an argument. This biased film certainly did not try to do this and loses it value because of that. You can’t trust anything shown in this film as either truth or science. At best, it might make you question what you’re putting in your mouth. For that alone it might be worth watching if you have nothing to do and are flicking around on the TV.
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