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Today’s topic is your gut health.
Heal your gut
There’s a reason why the phrase “healthy gut” is getting so much attention. Experts have identified the gut as the second brain of the body. Your gut is playing a massive role in everything from autoimmune conditions to eczema to even hormone imbalance. You have about 100 trillion bacteria living in your digestive system. We want less of the bad bacteria and more of the good. Healthy guts are filled with good bacteria. Unhealthy guts are lacking good bacteria. Antibiotics are one of the ways we kill off good bacteria. If your gut is unhealthy you may also be dealing with poor protein breakdown or poor nutrient absorption. This means your body is not absorbing essential vitamins and nutrients from your food the way that it should. This can lead to micronutrient deficiencies and other health issues.
How to improve your gut health
Improve gut health
Here are a couple of things you can do to improve your gut health.
Add in Probiotic Rich Foods
Probiotics are friendly bacteria that protect, support, and optimize your entire gut. Some fabulous food sources of probiotics are fermented foods. Examples include Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Tempeh, Kombucha, and Fermented Pickles.
2. Add Prebiotic Rich Foods to the Diet
Our bodies don’t digest fiber, but the good bacteria in our guts can still use it as fuel. So prebiotics are essentially food for probiotics.
3. Remove grains from your diet
The wheat we have today in America is not exactly the same as the wheat our ancestors grew and ate. It has been adjusted and hybridized. Instead, you can try organic quinoa, buckwheat or a tasty alternative such as cauliflower rice.
4. Get rid of all Inflammatory Foods
Basically all processed food and vegetable oils. The American diet is filled with sugar, starches, and polyunsaturated fat in the form of vegetable oils. This diet is depleted from vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. That is the exact recipe for inflammation.
The Reason Why Vegetable Oils Are Toxic
Vegetable oils contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs are unstable, and break down rapidly when exposed to chemical stress.
Refining Creates toxins
The refining process exposes these PUFAs to heat, pressure, metals and bleaching agents, and chemically alters the molecules into a wide variety of potent toxins with long names like 4-hydroxynonanal and 4-hydroxyhexanol, aldehydes, and others. These molecules are toxic because they promote free-radical reactions that damage our cellular machinery including mitochondria, enzymes, hormone receptors, and DNA.
We Improve Peoples Health
If you can follow these four simple steps your health will improve dramatically.
If you want help making changes in your health call the Loveland Medical Clinic. We are nutrition experts.
See our previous post to see why donating blood can improve your health.
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